The Shift with Me Experience

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We Are Ready!

Somalía Brown

‘The Disruptor’

Somalia disrupts everything and anything concerning you.

About Your Shift Host

Somalia Brown is a wife, mother, author, transformational speaker, and most importantly a World ChangHer. She is ‘The Disruptor’. Somalia disrupts everything and anything concerning you.

Her mandate - to train others to become World ChangHers & DisruptHers and prevent deaths in relationships, both earthly and spiritual, by empowering those to dismantle the “old ways of doing things,” in life and within their relationship with God.

Somalia morphs your spiritual walk from stagnated to accelerated, unlocks your authoritative voice, and increases your spiritual sensitivity, as you assume your rightful position of power.

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Hello, I'm

Somalía Brown.

“Be a World ChangHer we have enough conformers in the world.”

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Experience The Shift

Come ready to disrupt everything and anything concerning you.

The Shift With Me Experience

This experience a moment for people to 'Shift with Me' into who you are called to be. It's a simple SHIFT in your MindSet that will transform your entire world in a moment.

In some instances all it takes to achieve a radically different result is to think differently about how you approach or see a situation, i.e how you see FEAR in this situation.

It seems crazy that we could actually shape reality with our thoughts.

Did you know you can actually create a life you love, using fear?

What you will receive when you attend the 'Shift With Me Experience'…

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Part I Awareness of what FEAR is to you and its agenda to stop you:

Awareness of the Fear Blocks in your life that are preventing you from being the World ChangHer.

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Part II ➡ Removal of FEAR as a protector only and integrating the new knowledge you acquire into your life:

A Formal Reintroduction to fear in your life.

  • Letting go of Fear as you know it
  • Renaming Fear
  • Reimaging Fear
Three Women Smiling
  • Part III Reintroducing Fear to your life as a catalyst:

  • Now that fear is no longer your enemy but an ally, you can live your life on purpose, find the alignment with fear and the superpower that has been on your journey all along.

  • You will find your God given authoritative voice as you Shift with me in Shifting to a new you.

Shifts Offered

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anything SHIFTING.

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