World ChangHers
Mindset maiNtenance
Somalia brown
About Your MindSet Maintenance
Join the MindSet Maintenance and meet Somalía Brown who will be your workshop host. You're serious about improving the quality of your supernatural life as well as your natural life, right?
So, stop sitting on the edge. Join Somalia every two weeks for a community inspired workshop, see how she approaches and overcomes challenges, how she does word studies to achieve her goals, etc.
Some of the workshops
will be demonstrative where she may actually teach you, or take you to the Courts of Heaven, and you have an amazing opportunity to gain freedom in your life like never before.
ShIFTing Concept
Once you experience it, your life will never be the same! This is a rare opportunity to communicate directly with Somalia in a relaxed setting and have your most burning questions, concerns and desires answered.
If you are stuck on a topic we’ve discussed
in a room, how to do certain things or anything at all that is on your mind, she’ll answer it.
Imagine getting
Somalia's unique and valuable insights and advice on things you are currently dealing with in an intimate group setting.
These classes are designed
to configure your mindset to the place you need to be in.Just imagine how much easier and better — your life would be if you were in World ChangHers MindSet Maintenance.
Membership Rules
3. You will be prompt and INTERACTIVE in the private zoom meetings.
5. Membership is a SUBSCRIPTION and will automatically charge every two WEEKS FOR class.
1. Membership is available to anyone 18 years of age or older.
2. You promise NOT to use to spam or use profanity in the chat on zoom
Membership Rules
6. Replay is AVAILABLE for all who ATTEND the Private zoom complimentary
7. To have your questions answered during the Private Zoom meeting your questions must be submitted to the Sunday @12:00pm EST before your Private event date in the week.
8. All Private Zoom Meeting will be held on Tuesdays at 2:30pm CST
9. ALL sales are final!
Important information
**Please note depending on volume of questions submitted, will determine how many of your questions will be answered.**
** Also, your zoom details are in your email confirmation so please keep them handy.**
Purchase One
World ChangHer MindSet Maintenance Workshop Ticket
Let's Work Together
Subscribe Monthly
to World ChangHer MindSet Maintenance Workshop